Strategies and Resources
Free Resources to Support Learners
A range of resources are available in this section. The resources have been categorised into sections where possible, however there will be resources which are applicable to multiple sections.
All public (local authority) schools in Scotland were sent free copies of two series of booklets:
‘Supporting pupils with dyslexia in primary schools’
‘Supporting pupils in the secondary curriculum’
These are available free to down load to Dyslexia Scotland members. Members also receive quarterly copies of “Dyslexia Voice” magazine to support CLPL and discounts on their annual Education conference. Details at the following link:
Please click on the dropdowns below. These are in alphabetical order.
Auditory Processing and Listening Skills
Information: Activities to Improve Language Skills in Children with APD
Reading Circle
The Addressing Dyslexia Toolkit’s ‘Reading Circle’ has information on comprehension and accompanying approaches which may provide support.
Reading Circle | Addressing Dyslexia Addressing Dyslexia
Dekko Comics
Dekko comics are short comic stories of fun and often absurd characters. These stories also communicate educational information, making them an entertaining visual alternative to learning and revising in the conventional way of reading. Dekko Comics aim to improve literature comprehension and information absorption, as well as the general learning experience for all learners, including those with dyslexia.
For more details visit:
Doorway is a collection of free learning activities originally developed with funding from Scottish Borders Council. Doorway has since been transferred over to CALL Scotland at the University of Edinburgh. The suite comprises highly accessible educational activities that learners will find easy to use independently. Each exercise has a range of accessibility and difficulty options.
BBC Bitesize Comprehension has a range of activities developed for children and young people to help them understand and develop their comprehension skills.
Reading and comprehension – English – Learning with BBC Bitesize
Fine motor skills – Handwriting
Information: Advice and resources to support fine motor skills required for handwriting.
Curriculum Accessibility
An inclusive learning environment will support all learners to access the curriculum and participate in the range of experiences provided. The curriculum includes all of the experiences which are planned for children and young people through their education. It is not specific to subject areas but applies to activities that take place across the school. An accessible curriculum is an inclusive curriculum.
Consideration of the following areas will support effective differentiation
Resources /Support
Dialogue and support
Click here to download our Differentiation Deviser.
Gaelic Resources
The possibility of dyslexia for children who are in Gaelic medium education will be just as relevant as it is for children in single language environments. However, the fact that the child is learning to operate in two different phonological and written language systems could be a complicating factor, and close investigation should be done before reaching conclusions. This may require focused attention to phonology in both languages. For most children English will be their home language, so consideration needs to be given to English language skills as well as Gaelic. However, the most important factor is to ensure that targeted teaching and support is given so that any gap that exists between the child and his or her peer group is not allowed to grow without close monitoring, liaison with parents and agreed strategies to support the child’s development of literacy skills.
Resources and information is available on the Education Scotland National Improvement Hub
Additionally Gaelic support material modelled on Sylvia Russell’s Phonic Code Cracker material is available to help support children in Gaelic medium education. This can be used to give practice in phonic skills and can be downloaded from the Resources section – ‘Downloads – Gaelic Code Cracker – Fuaimean Feumail’ at each level of Curriculum for Excellence.
Free Gealic language digital voice – Ceitdh –
Fuaimean Feumail – Phonic worksheets
Information: The following worksheets were created by Mairead Monk (Glasgow Gaelic School) and are based on work created by Peggy Ann Campbell and her pupil support assistant, R MacInnes, (Breasclete School, Lewis) to support pupils with Gaelic phonics.
Fuaimean Còmhla – Structured Phonics programme
Information: a resource to support learners in Gaelic written by Peggy Ann Campbell.
Literacy support software
Penfriend – this Word prediction programme predicts in Gaelic and other European languages (also available on a USB pendrive).
Literacy – Phonological Awareness
Click here for the Scottish Phoneme Chart.
Please watch the video here for discrete pronunciation of phonemes kindly shared by the GDSS.
Robbie the Robot – Syllable and Phoneme Awareness
Information: Competition winner 2012 – with thanks to Vicki Jones, Glasgow Dyslexia Support Service
Click to download.
Phonological games from GDSS
Click here for phonological awareness games.
Awareness of sounds activities
The following activities can support practitioners and learners:
Awareness of Sounds Activity Instructions
Word Boundary Resources
Click here for a Word Boundary Activity.
Click here for Blank cards to support the activity.
Doorway Online is a collection of free learning activities originally developed with funding from Scottish Borders Council. It is now managed by the Doorway Accessible Software Trust, a Scottish charity. The suite comprises highly accessible educational activities that learners will find easy to use independently. Each exercise has a range of accessibility and difficulty options.
Literacy – Phonics
Click here for the Scottish Phoneme Chart.
Please watch the video here for discrete pronunciation of phonemes kindly shared by the GDSS.
My Alphabet Mat
Information: A4 sheet with illustrated upper and lower case alphabet letters. Can be laminated
Alphabet cards
Information: Game to match the letters with images and 1st letters of words.
BBC Skillswise
BBC Skillswise provides online help with free numeracy and literacy, for tutors and students. There are printable worksheets and factsheets and online games, videos and quizzes that can be used in class or by learners at home. This may be helpful for 3rd /4th and Senior level pupils.
A wide range of phonic games and reinforcement; sound and colour to hold attention.
Fuaimean Feumail – Phonic worksheets
Information: The following worksheets were created by Mairead Monk (Glasgow Gaelic School) and are based on work created by Peggy Ann Campbell and her pupil support assistant, R MacInnes, (Breasclete School, Lewis) to support pupils with Gaelic phonics.
Fuaimean Còmhla – Structured Phonics programme
Information: a resource to support learners in Gaelic written by Peggy Ann Campbell.
Consonant Phonemes
The following presentation on ‘Consonant Phonemes’ was developed by City of Edinburgh Council EAL Service’
Click to download
Doorway Online
Doorway is a collection of free learning activities originally developed with funding from Scottish Borders Council. Doorway has since been transferred over to CALL Scotland at the University of Edinburgh. The suite comprises highly accessible educational activities that learners will find easy to use independently. Each exercise has a range of accessibility and difficulty options.
Literacy – Reading
Reading Circle
Information: The Addressing Dyslexia Toolkit Working Group has developed the Reading Circle to help teachers gain an understanding of how the reading skills have developed for child or young person who they are working with. This resource can be used in primary and secondary sectors and may also be beneficial for children and young people for whom English is not their first language, as well as for adults. The Writing Circle was also developed.
The circles provide:
- Descriptions of the key areas involved in the acquisition of reading skills
- A tool to identify areas of difficulty
- Approaches and strategies for each key area
- A practical planning/evaluation tool to record discussions with colleagues, staff and where appropriate the learner highlighting strengths, difficulties.
Top Tips for Paired Reading (Falkirk Council Support Teachers)
Top Tips for Reading (Falkirk Council Support Teachers)
Top Tips to Develop Sight Vocabulary (Falkirk Council Support Teachers)
Tricky words
Information: Flash cards for 41 tricky words – 1 word per A4 sheet
Bingo – High Frequency Words
Doorway Online
A collection of free learning activities originally developed with funding from Scottish Borders Council. It is now managed by the Doorway Accessible Software Trust, a Scottish charity. The suite comprises highly accessible educational activities that learners will find easy to use independently. Each exercise has a range of accessibility and difficulty options
Literacy – Spelling
How to Spell Prompt cards
Information: Competition winner 2012 – with thanks to Hugh Morrison, Principal Teacher in the Biggar/ Carluke Extended Learning Community Team, South Lanarkshire.
Summary outline:Click to download.
How to spell prompt cards: Click to download
Spelling Hints Guide
This useful guide produced by the Glasgow Dyslexia Support Service has useful tips to help with spelling.
Click here to download.
EAST Spelling Pack
This pack has been developed by East Ayrshire Council and aims to provide a range of information including spelling development, the teaching of spelling and various activities/resources to support pupils.
click here to download
Doorway Online
A collection of free learning activities originally developed with funding from Scottish Borders Council. It is now managed by the Doorway Accessible Software Trust, a Scottish charity. The suite comprises highly accessible educational activities that learners will find easy to use independently. Each exercise has a range of accessibility and difficulty options
Literacy – Writing
Writing Circle
Information: The Addressing Dyslexia Toolkit Working Group has developed the Writing Circle to help teachers gain an understanding of how the writing skills have developed for child or young person who they are working with. This resource can be used in primary and secondary sectors and may also be beneficial for children and young people for whom English is not their first language, as well as for adults. The Reading Circle was also developed.
The circles provide:
- Descriptions of the key areas involved in the acquisition of reading skills
- A tool to identify areas of difficulty
- Approaches and strategies for each key area
- A practical planning/evaluation tool to record discussions with colleagues, staff and where appropriate the learner highlighting strengths, difficulties.
Amazing Adjectives Game!
Information: Competition runner-up 2012 – with thanks to Su Hayward, Adviser – Learning Support, Suffolk County Council.
Doorway Online
A collection of free learning activities originally developed with funding from Scottish Borders Council. It is now managed by the Doorway Accessible Software Trust, a Scottish charity. The suite comprises highly accessible educational activities that learners will find easy to use independently. Each exercise has a range of accessibility and difficulty options
Dyslexia Scotland has a range of leaflets which are free to download from their website: The following are relevant to this section:
Section on study skills
Memory Tips (Falkirk Support Services)
Information: Tips to support auditory memory
A website which provides free games and actives to support concentration and memory skills
Doorway Online
A collection of free learning activities originally developed with funding from Scottish Borders Council. It is now managed by the Doorway Accessible Software Trust, a Scottish charity. The suite comprises highly accessible educational activities that learners will find easy to use independently. Each exercise has a range of accessibility and difficulty options
Numeracy and Mathematics
GLOW – The National Numeracy and Mathematics Hub Education Scotland
The National Numeracy and Mathematics Hub is a virtual learning environment for all practitioners, providing an innovative approach to career-long professional learning across all sectors. Please note that you will need a GLOW log in to access this site.
It provides:
- Professional learning in different aspects of numeracy with a focus on progression, numeracy and mathematics skills, numeracy across learning, assessment, moderation and teaching.
- Career-long professional learning opportunities of various types such as broadcasts, professional reading and action research.
- An easy to use environment where you can share and work with colleagues from across Scotland as well as those from your own school or authority.
Number Squares
free printable number squares in word format to enable learners and practitioners highlight particular number patterns. – Click to download
Number cards in dyslexia friendly font – Click to download
Number bars 1-10 – Click to download
Number bars 11-20 – Click to download
Number bars 1 -15 – Click to download
Math Drills is a collection downloadable math worksheets for teachers and parents on a variety of math topics. Some of the resources are free.
Dyslexia Scotland has a range of leaflets which are free to download from their website:
The following are relevant to this section:
Leaflet on Ideas for Supporting Maths
Doorway Online
A collection of free learning activities originally developed with funding from Scottish Borders Council. It is now managed by the Doorway Accessible Software Trust, a Scottish charity. The suite comprises highly accessible educational activities that learners will find easy to use independently. Each exercise has a range of accessibility and difficulty options
Visual Processing
Therapy Fun Zone
Information: A website which provides information on Visual Perceptual Skills and some free resources.