Reading Circle

The Addressing Dyslexia Toolkit Working Group developed the Reading Circle in 2015 to help educators gain an understanding of how literacy skills have developed for the child or young person they are working with who may be experiencing literacy difficulties. In spring 2024 the Reading Circle was refreshed and provides educators with additional support follow on support to the Education Scotland Early Level Reading Resource – Learning to read in the Early Years: A professional support overview | Resources | Education Scotland.  

The Reading Circle can be used in early learning, primary and secondary settings and may also be beneficial for children and young people for whom English is not their first language, as well as for adults. Developing as a reader is linked to positive attitudes and experiences, as well as skills. Curriculum for Excellence recognises the fundamental importance of reading for enjoyment within the reading experiences and outcomes.

The Reading Circle is a large 32 page A3 file and will be updated regularly. It is advised to access it online,  rather than print it.

The Reading Circle provides:

  • Descriptions of the key areas involved in the acquisition of reading skills
  • Share approaches to help understand and support reading difficulties
  • A discussion/planning tool to record discussions with colleagues, staff and, where appropriate, the learner. The planning tool can highlight strengths and difficulties and offer guidance to plan the next steps appropriately.

The Reading Circle Reflective Planning Tools.

Two flexible tools based on the Reading Circle are available to support effective support, planning and implementation are available to download by clicking the links in the Resources tab on the side of this page.

Individual Reading Discussion/Planning Tool

Establishment Reading Planning Tool

Both of the reflective tools provide opportunities for discussion, exploration and planning when considering the needs of learners who may be experiencing literacy difficulties and professional learning for staff.

A summary PDF version of the Writing Circle , which include a planning tool, is available to download by clicking the links in the Resources tab on the side of this page.

Coming Soon – the summary version of the Reading Circle.